Senin, 25 November 2019

5 Reasons Regarding the Importance of Learning English

5 Reasons Regarding the Importance of Learning English
 1. Opportunity to get a job
 Indonesia currently has a very high unemployment rate.  It is undeniable, one of the causes of unemployment that is increasingly rampant in addition to education and human resources is a low willingness to learn.

 Most people only tend to learn what is already known and do not want to develop themselves by learning new things, especially language.  At present, to get a high salary needs a complete biodata description.  Having special expertise or strengths are those that are sought after by companies or agencies.
2. Study abroad
 One of the mandatory requirements that must be mastered if you want to continue your studies, especially abroad, is English.  It is undeniable that not only further study abroad but English language skills have also become mandatory requirements for those who wish to continue their studies at home.
 Not only proven by ability or direct skills, but the need for evidence in the form of TOEFL or IELTS tests.  That will be an added value and proof of one's expertise in using English.  For example, through the LPDP channel provided by the Indonesian government.

 3. Easy to understand technology
 At present, almost all technologies ranging from gadgets, computers, to food packaging have used a lot of English.  Although it can be changed to Indonesian, the use of English will make it easier.  Not intended to underestimate their own language, but at this time no doubt some technology uses English to provide information.
 Language development is also increasingly advanced.  Starting from children aged 2 years to adolescents begin to learn it early on.  Many private schools have adopted English during school hours.  In fact, television and social media have uploaded funny videos of 2-year-old children who are fluent in English.
4. Safe interaction
 Everyone has aspirations to set foot abroad.  Whether it's vacation, work or school.  The outside world, foreigners are more likely to master the discussion of the Orchid.  If you have the ability to speak English, in any country you will not get lost.  Because international language is English so it is undeniable that everyone understands it.
 The opportunity to get friends from abroad is also very large.  Because by mastering English, you will easily be familiar with a lot of socializing.  Different if you are lacking in English conversation, you will feel anxious, afraid of being wrong and finally speechless.  That is why English is very important for you modern people today.
 5. Make it easy to watch international films
 Do you enjoy western movies?  Sometimes, we have to watch the film using subtitles because in reality, quality films and internationally circulated are English films.  Although there are Japanese films, Korean, Thai, Arabic, Indian and other countries films that are of high quality and circulated internationally, we can be sure that English is the main subtitle for the film.
 Therefore, learning English also makes it easier for us to enjoy international films that have been circulating.  The more we are proficient in using English, the more we understand the message contained in a film, without going back and forth confused and thinking what the meaning of the film.

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