Minggu, 17 November 2019

The Importance Of Education

The Importance Of Education

Education refers to the imparting of knowledge and information that enlightens minds. Education may be imparted through a formal education system through formal schools and educational institutions. Education must be accessible to all the children and youth to ensure the country’s growth and progress.

Education Helps in the Nation’s Progress.The education that is imparted must be modern and with the times. If it is old-fashioned or out-dated it does not serve the purpose of equipping the people with the tools necessary to live life in the present times, and to take society forward.
Education forms the basis for the growth and development of a nation. An educated society is an enlightened and well-informed society. When people are educated, and aware and sensitive to all that makes up their life and all that is around them, they can make informed choices for the well-being of themselves and of all that surrounds them.
Education makes for a Progressive Society.Education helps in making a society a progressive and forward-looking one. This promotes social welfare and justice. Where education is lacking, the society suffers from social and economic backwardness. A society that does not ensure access to education for all is beset with social ills.
The issue of women’s empowerment is also directly linked to women’s education. If women do not have access to education at all levels, the problem of gender-based disparity cannot be solved. Women’s empowerment is related to social progress. Women must have the freedom and liberty to make choices that affect their lives. This is possible only when they are educated and made aware of their rights.
Economic welfare of all the people can be promoted only through education. The sharing of national wealth is possible by making education accessible to all people with no discrimination, prejudice or bias against any social group or community or the economically challenged. By enlightening and empowering individuals, and making economic security a reality for them, education is able to do away with social ills and economic insecurity.
Education can help in Sustainable Growth and Development.Economic empowerment of all classes and sections of society is the direct consequence of access of education to all. A society where there is economic disparity cannot be a peaceful one. In a strife-ridden society there can be no progress and development.
Education helps in fostering scientific and technological developments. This must be such as to make our lives more comfortable without causing harm to other life forms and without making life on Planet Earth unsustainable.

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